Jana’s Lemon Tale

“September of 2021, my mom unexpectedly passed away. Looking back, I realized she had probably had a stroke. There were some signs I should have noticed but didn't at the time.

Five years ago, we opened a small business in Phoenix, AZ. It costs money to make money. We’ve had great growth but it’s still costly to keep running. My mom would say things like, “I wish I had more energy to help you. I wish I had more financial ability to help you and your business.” It turned out that in her passing, she was able to help fund our business for over a year, covered all of her funeral expenses, and more. It wasn’t a large inheritance, but it greatly impacted our ability to help pay the staff who have homes and families. Losing my mom was never what I wanted. But she ended up helping us more than she ever could have imagined.”

We used grapefruit because we had some leftover. Completely forgetting that, Jana’s mom, (my grandma) had a huge grapefruit tree in her backyard all of my life. She had it planted there because she knew they were good for her and she enjoyed them very much. Grapefruit, rosemary, lemonade was a happy accident <3


Jame’s Lemon Tale


Max’s Lemon Tale