Week 3
Week 3 has come and gone! Here’s everything I learned during my 3rd week as a content creator!
1. Get dressed every day. Show up for your platform and for yourself. My mom taught me to get fully ready for the day-every day (makeup, hair, and outfit). Always be ready to leave the house at any moments notice. This alone helps me stay professional every day for myself.
2. Keep it simple, keep it steady. I’m self aware enough to know that I can get caught up in 100 ideas about any small content I want to create. It’s better to have one high quality post than to try and do every single idea that comes to mind.
3. Set aside some none electronic time. A couple nights this week I had no TV and no phone out. Just a glass of ice water, and a good book. I’m not an avid reader but those 20-30 minutes was a great way to wind down and take a break from the usual.
This week we’ve got another great story to share for Lemon Tales tomorrow, another room refresh, some thrifting tips, website tweaks and more! Let’s go week 4🎉