Week 1

Here’s what I’ve learned in week one of making lemonade out of lemons. AKA, getting let go from my job and having no plan B except for content creating.

1. The freedom has been a weight off of my shoulders. Haven’t had my quiet time yet? No guilt. I can stop everything I’m doing to read my Bible for however long is needed. Haven’t been to the gym in a year? Great. Let’s go now! It’s not that I’m trying to push away the my new responsibilities I just now have more time to prioritize my physical and spiritual needs. Which have been put on the side for far too long.

2. If you have an idea, do it immediately. Sometimes I feel like I have no content coming to me. Other days I think of 100 new ideas I could create, talk about share, etc. Writing them down while i’m in the moment- or better yet just doing them immediately makes all the difference. My top viral videos all came from a random idea and I chose not to wait but just try creating it immediately.

3. Word on the street is you should run your business like it’s a regular 9-5 when you’re home. I agree. I also have not been doing that entirely. Honestly, I’m in a tough situation, where I’m gonna have to work hard in order to make this work. The first two points are my priority right now and I’m guarding myself from burnout by focusing on the first point & I’m getting good sleep every night. Every night.

Thanks for being here while I navigate the new! Can’t wait to share the rest of what I have planned for the week!


Week 2


“Stop following all the rules”